Fresno State faculty and staff rally together during transition to virtual instruction.

In-person classes are canceled at Fresno State and social distancing is the new phrase of the day. But support and compassion never gets old. 

While there is a lot of anxiety and concern surrounding the changes and the progression of coronavirus (COVID-19), the Fresno State community is committed to boldly educating and empowering every student for success during this unprecedented and challenging time. 

“As I told my class, which is predominately graduating seniors who are worried about finishing their spring semester: It’s probably not going to be great, it’s probably going to be a mess, but we’re gonna get through it and I’m going to get you there,” said Amber Crowell, assistant professor of sociology at Fresno State, in a tweet. 

Students, many who look forward to graduating in May, are worried about finishing the spring semester. A whole lot of professors are making a first, big jump to virtual instruction and the staff is making sure daily operations continue. 

Take a look at how Fresno State faculty and staff are supporting each other and students through these challenging times.