A service recognition reception will be held from 2-3:30 p.m. Friday, April 24, in the Henry Madden Library, Room 3212, in honor of 32 Fresno State students who performed more than 1,091 hours of service for this year’s Alternative Spring Break program from March 28-April 2. The students formed two project teams, serving with Grid Alternatives to build solar panels for two homes and with Every Neighborhood Partnership to host sports and activities for the children of Yokomi Elementary School, along with a beautification project. The event is free and open to the public to hear presentations from this year’s participants about the projects and learn more about the Alternative Spring Break program. INFO: Shawna Blair, Student Involvement Center program and events coordinator, at 559.906.4169 or si_programming@csufresno.edu, or Alba Nidia Verdugo at vnidia@mail.fresnostate.edu.