LGBTQ2+ History Month — marked each October in the United States — observes the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and two-spirit communities’ quest for civil rights and celebrates their achievements.

Fresno State has a variety of events taking place during the month of October, honoring the significant contributions of LGBTQ2+ members of the campus community:

Oct. 11: “The Sacred Act of Coming Out,” 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Smittcamp Alumni House. National Coming Out Day at Fresno State will feature an interfaith gathering to hear and honor stories and collectively affirm everyone’s inherent value, beauty and divinity. Leaders in the LGBTQ2+ community will present as guest speakers. Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to speak and share their personal coming out stories. It is co-hosted by the LGBTQ2+ minor in collaboration with Woven Community, Department of Philosophy, Peace and Conflict Studies, LGBTQ2+ Allies Faculty and Staff Association, Cross Cultural And Gender Center, LGBTQ2+ Programs and Services, Rainbow Alumnx and Allies Club, and director of alumni connections Dr. Peter Robertson and his spouse, Victor Kral.  

Oct. 15: Rainbow Wonderland Garden Party, 6 to 8 p.m. at Gazebo Gardens. Fresno State’s Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies will host the “Rainbow Wonderland Garden Party,” a fundraiser for the LGBTQ2+ studies endowed scholarship, which will support students studying in the LGBTQ2+ minor. The event will also celebrate the newly established  LGBTQ2+ minor. Advance registration is mandatory. Cost: $30 per person.

Oct. 16: “A Celebration of Contemporary Queer Literature,” an author reading with Meg Day and Lars Horn. Fresno State’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing presents celebrated writers Meg Day and Lars Horn, hosted by English professor Venita Blackburn, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Library Ellipse Gallery on the Second Floor (north wing). Contact: Venita Blackburn,

Oct. 17: Words Matter for the CSU, presented by the Library Special Collections Research Center, will feature a panel of experts discussing the importance of and inclusive vocabulary in describing library materials. The discussion will be hosted via Zoom at 11 a.m.

Oct. 27-Nov. 4: University Theatre presents “At the Wedding,” a queer rom-com directed by Professor Kathleen McKinley in her farewell production at Fresno State after 40 years on the University Theatre faculty. Playwright Bryna Turner identifies as non-binary and was featured in the recent New York Times article “What’s Next for the Great Gay Play?” Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 27-28 and Oct. 31-Nov. 4, and at 2 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Dennis and Cheryl Woods Theatre. Tickets are $17 for general admission; $15 for employees, alumni, seniors and military; and $10 for students.

Nov. 17: Transgender Day of Remembrance, 5:30 to 9 p.m. at the Satellite Student Union. Trans-E-Motion and the Cross Cultural and Gender Center’s LGBTQ+ Programs and Services will lead a commemoration for members of the trans community. Contact Lexey Jenkins at