MFV_transparent_logo_The Mi Familia Vota voter registration drive will be on campus 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Thursday, March 10 in the Free Speech Area as part of a nationwide campaign to register 6,000 voters for the upcoming primary and national elections.

Mi Familia Vota is a national non-profit organization that unites Latino, immigrant and allied communities to promote social and economic justice through increased civic participation by promoting citizenship, voter registration, and voter participation.

The Latino civic engagement organization has operations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada and Texas.

“College youth have all too often not shown up to the polls though they are now the majority nationally,” said Samuel Molina, Mi Familia Vota state deputy director.

Local radio station KLLE Latino Mix will be at the event from noon – 2 p.m.

INFO: Molina at 559.473.6096 or